Benefits of Vitamin C

Most people tend to associate vitamin C with the cure for the common cold. Anytime we come down with the sniffles or any other type of flu-related symptom, moms quickly rush in to bring us orange juice and encourage us to take a nap.

Although vitamin C may not be quite the cure for the common cold that we like to think it is, it still is an incredibly vital part of our daily health. Vitamin C not only is an incredibly safe vitamin, it also has a plethora of uses, making it one of the most popular vitamins in our culture.

Here are three reasons you should get the recommended dose of vitamin C:

1) Immune System
Although vitamin C may not be the cure for the common cold, it certainly can help to prevent it. Taking your daily dose of vitamin C is commonly believed to help prevent and fight against various types of immune-system deficiencies.

2) Babies
Believe it or not, vitamin C has a plethora of advantages when taken as part of your prenatal care routine. Make sure to ask your doctor how much vitamin C your pregnancy requires.

3) Skin
Want to improve your skincare regimen, but aren’t quite sure what to add? Vitamin C has been shown to help prevent wrinkles and aid in certain parts of skincare.