Whether you’re in your teen years or nearing retirement, acne can still ruin your day. While expensive creams may help, there’s a more natural way to heal your skin and get a healthy glow without smearing drying cream on your face. Recent studies have shown that acne sufferers have vitamin E, A, and zinc deficiencies. Of those three, Vitamin A is an antioxidant that belongs to the class of compounds called retinoids. Read on →

With the middle of November already upon us, it seems that holiday season 2016 is officially underway. No matter if you’re a turkey aficionado or a Christmas movie snob, the thing that binds us all together is a love for the cheer of these special occasions. Part of holiday traditions for many includes traveling to see family and friends, and with this extra travel comes extra risks for illness. Although some illnesses are unavoidable, there are steps you can take to prepare yourself for the changing conditions. Read on →

Growing up, I remember seeing a remarkable amount of “Got milk?” ads strung through the halls of school, coming from the afternoon radio and even infiltrating nightly television programming. The nation became more and more aware of the benefits that milk could have. However, what happens when you don’t like milk or what you drink isn’t quite enough to get your daily calcium intake? Well, then it may be time to turn to a calcium supplement. Read on →

In America, it is well known that we are facing an obesity epidemic, but that’s not the only way in which our bodies are suffering. In fact, many of us need to supplement our diets with other nutrients in order to live a healthy lifestyle. On this blog, we’ve spoken at length about certain types of vitamins, but today we want to talk a little bit about why omega-3 fatty acids are so vitally important to your life. Read on →

As we age, many things about our bodies change as part of the aging process. We tend to move slower, we ache more and for more diverse reasons, and our brain often takes an extra moment to process new information. Aging can be difficult, but there are vitamins and supplements that you can take to keep your body in top form. Here are three vitamins to consider: 1) Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is very important for your body, and it is absorbed by the brain and spinal cord. Read on →

When we hear about vitamin C, we tend to think of orange juice and childhood, but the reality is that vitamin C is still vitally important as adults. Cases of vitamin C deficiency can range from moderate to severe, but either way, need to be tended to. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to such symptoms as easy bruising, joint pains, weakness and tiny spots on your skin. Although deficiency can affect your day-to-day life, it is easily combated with vitamin C supplements. Read on →

With fall approaching, many people are starting to take a look back at 2016 and really ask themselves some tough questions. Questions about weight loss, New Year’s resolutions and exercise goals are all common things to reflect on with Labor Day around the corner. So as you think back on your health, ask yourself what you can do to improve how you take care of your body. Here are three keys to a healthier fall: 1) Weight Loss One big way to take care of your health and ensure that your next few months will be healthier than the past few months is to dedicate yourself to any needed weight loss. Read on →

We often hear about the success stories of vitamins and supplements, but we stop and ask ourselves if they actually could work for us. Are we simply hoping for something impossible, or is there something to the vitamin craze? You see, although vitamins and supplements truly can be for anyone, it’s also true that certain people need them more than others. Today, we’ve organized a list of a few types of people who may benefit from vitamins and supplements. Read on →

Here on the VitaCare blog, we have spent a lot of time talking about the effects of various types of vitamins. Whether it is vitamin A, C, or D, vitamins all have very different effects and help very different situations. The same is true when it comes to vitamin B. Vitamin B has 12 subsets of vitamins and is an incredibly important part of our daily health and nutrition. While vitamin B is a commonly recognized vitamin, many don’t know what it does, and we are here today to change that. Read on →

Here on the VitaCare blog, we’ve started talking quite a bit about what makes each vitamin special. Sure, vitamins as a whole are vital to our health and wellbeing, but what makes each one unique from another? Well, today we want to continue this exploration into vitamin D. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, and it’s vital in order to achieve proper levels of calcium in the body. Here are three more reasons vitamin D is so important: 1) Bones Vitamin D is vital for the body, and that can be seen in the amount of extra help your bones and your teeth receive when you take the proper amounts of vitamin D. Read on →